Belleau Wood Neighborhood Association was first established in 1983, but was not popularly supported and the premise faltered for several years, although it was properly registered with the City Government, and had accumulated several hundred dollars in membership fees before lapsing.  In 1993, a group of public-minded citizens and neighbors of Belleau Wood called for a general assembly of interested property owners, and a meeting was scheduled to determine interest of re-establishing the Belleau Wood Neighborhood Association, which was enthusiastically approved by a majority vote.  The monies formerly accumulated were turned over to a newly-elected Board of Directors, a new Bank Account established, and proper registration was made with the Kentucky State Treasurer and Auditor for tax purposes.

With 450 houses in Belleau Wood Neighborhood, membership has fluctuated between 10% and 20% participation consistently.  As time passed, and original owners moved on, due to increase in family, affording more upscale lifestyles, or aging, many homes were transferred from owner occupied to rental occupied, resulting in some decline in membership interest. The longest present residents have consistently desired to foster continuation of an official Association, and the Mayor’s office, as well as the District 4 Representative’s office have been continually helpful, and recognizes Belleau Wood Neighborhood Association as one of the city’s prominently active organizations.

The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) maintains overall authority in the management of Neighborhood Associations.  To be in good-standing, a duly-elected Board of Directors and Officers must be reported annually, and any incorporation must be registered both with the City and the State Treasurer to account for tax purposes. An annual report of finances must be maintained and made available to the Neighborhood Association.

Chief among the benevolent services provided by the Neighborhood Association include maintenance of the Park, planting of flowering shrubs and trees.  A walking trail was constructed largely with finances raised by the Neighborhood Association as a result of an agreement with a communications company who desired to construct a cellphone relay tower.  That company afforded the Neighborhood Association to meet a 50-50 financial agreement with LFUCG funds to install the trail, which included benches and a flagstaff, and new playground equipment replaced the old wooden structures erected since the initial settlement of Belleau Wood.  The Neighborhood Association has also displayed numerous wreaths on street name poles in Christmas Season. A notification bulletin board was established near the Wilson-Downing entrance way. Street signs themselves were decorated with a BWNA logo designed by the BWNA. Other seasonal celebrations have been presented, both in private home garages and in the Park, as well as periodic picnics, music, soft ice cream.  When necessary, official representatives from BWNA have attended meetings with the City Council or the Mayor’s Office. In turn, LFUCG officials have attended functions in the Park on our behalf including our District 4 Representative and three Mayors.